
The Jira Plugin Bridge To WordPress written and published by Snow Line Software S.P.R.L. (Société Privée à Responsabilité Limitée) ("Us", "We") is commited to protecting and respecting your privacy.

This Data Security and Privacy Notice covers only the JIRA Plugin "Bridge To WordPress".

Information that is collected from you

The Bridge To WordPress plugin does not collect any data. All the information that it needs in order to function is stored in the Atlassian Cloud storage.

Accessing the WordPress site

Due to current limitations on the Atlassian Forge framework used by the plugin, all access traffic to your designated WordPress site needs to go through a proxy server hosted by Snow Line Software. The proxy does not collect nor store any of the data that goes through it.

The described Forge limitation is described here: Runtime Egress Permissions. In short all the sites accessed by the plugin need to be present in the plugin manifest as deployed on the Forge Atlassian servers. Obviously the user WordPress site that the user needs to input is not known when the plugin is compiled and deployed, so a proxy is used as a work-around.